A rumour spread around the hostel in Kathmandu that there was a psy-trance festival happening in Pokhara. A group of us decided we wanted to go and the next day we hopped on the bus to Pokhara. Our one friend Clara was fantastic in organizing a tent for us all to sleep in. The location of the festival was a secret and there was little to no information about it. I think that all of us had different ideas on how it would look. Clara was in contact with one of the organizers so she was the first to know about where we needed to be and when. We all met at this one café in Lakeside and then piled into taxi’s that knew where we needed to go. Upon arrival we were all very confused about what was going on. The taxi dropped us off at an eco resort, which was very beautiful but it did not look festival ready. The people there assured us we were in the right place so we dropped our bags and went to a nearby waterfall. There we found fellow festival goers. They also were a bit confused as to what was going on. But we weren’t worried, we were in this beautiful location and we all had time to watch the whole thing unravel. The tickets were only C$30 so nobody was really complaining about it. After a few hours our tent finally arrived. While setting it up we found that there were many parts missing but we made it work anyway. Along with our tent delivery came the sound system for the festival. It was already golden hour but better late than never. It wasn’t until dark that we started to hear music and after that it did. not. stop. for 72 hours. I am not much of a partier, I just came for a boogie & good company which was abundant. I enjoyed most of my time laying in the grass, soaking up the sun and cooling off in the pool. Our friend Liv was quite a fan of one of the dj’s that was going to play named Meraki. I had never heard of him but I really enjoyed his music. There really weren’t many people at the festival so it kind of felt like a private party for my friends and I. Although it wasn’t what we expected, we had so much fun. We danced our hearts out and enjoyed fantastic weather & views.
Hannah Bywater